ffxiv bard rotation

those cases.). Opener FAQ Is it really okay to use Radiant Finale for only 2% in the opener? This can feel unimpressive, but it does add up. Here is your general GCD priorities (in all songs): *For Apex and Blast Arrow, you want to use them during your burst window. Instead, Bard skill usage is based on whats available and/or what your timers are at a given moment. 6 Bard Weaponskills. All the buffs that are about to run out there make it if you would only get one EA in that MB). To do so, you must accept the quest Way of the Archerat the Archers Guild in New Gridania(X: 15.4 Y: 12). These include the timing of Mage's slightly better party The Job has been in the game since 1.0 and has changed a lot over time, securing the spot of a powerful physical ranged DPS. when the soul gauge is full. Bard Machinist Dancer Magical Ranged DPS Obliterate foes from afar with powerful casted spells. This isnt necessarily the order you should use your songs in dungeons, it depends on the pull sizes. Dont use Shadowbite against a single target. The word "bard" ordinarily puts folk in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Bloodletter cooldown is more forgiving in this opener, so if you have a PP3 when your 2nd BL comes off cooldown, use the PP3 first. Aim to finish off wounded enemies with high burst damage. [2019/7/23] Theme updates, added some notes about double weaving in AP/Muse. For AP, in practice youll simply leave once WM is off cooldown. A bard is an evolved Archer. 5.1 Song Gauge Skills. BLs normal 15-second cooldown keeps running too, plus you have Empyreal Arrow procs. Your Barrage/RS has somehow drifted very far back within WM. Do not use Refulgent in between if it procs, as getting the second DoT up is slightly better. You can do your part with a good chunk of damage in that small window thanks to Empyreal Arrow. Levels 1-29 GCDs Your single-target priorities in these early levels look like: Barrage until after spending that proc on a Refulgent Arrow. Use Bloodletter and Pitch Perfect as able Ladonsbite and Shadowbite instead of your single target GCDs. Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level! later on as well. Pitch Perfect should all be used. Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/dt7NssTFollow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ilyadalamiqTry NoPing: http://nopi.ng/IlyaUse offer code "ILYA". You can think of this more like a cheatsheet. Now let's say you intentionally go out of your way to mess up your opener and use Barrage on a Heavy Shot, and lets say it only hits for 500 x 3 hits = 1,500 damage. Iron Jaws has two additional effects: it has a 35% chance of giving you a proc of Straight Shot Ready and it resets your Venomous Bite/Caustic Bite and Windbite/Stormbite DoTs when you hit an enemy already afflicted by them. Inspire your party unto victory. In particular, this plan is probably a good choice at low skill speeds. [2020/9/6] Added a small note about not using WM early despite the AP cdr. For Bard, all these skills share the same cooldown, which is 2.5s and drops as you acquire Skill Speed. Offset personal vulnerability through use of impeding actions and high mobility. ranged theorycraft discord for helping to work things out. Some black mages think you should start off the same as your single target rotation. if Empyreal Arrow is coming soon. " Its similar in purpose to Troubadour, but affecting heals changes some of the use cases and timing. 2 - Keep your 2 dots up and refresh them when one gets low with Iron Jaws. The Wardens Paean - Cleanses any debuff with a little white bar over the icon. If a BL proc were to come up that late, the next GCD may not have a DoT tick at all, so it is perfectly safe to delay the BL to the start of the next GCD. Nothing fancy but extremely useful when everything else is on cooldown. But this fight isnt over. packs at any gauge from 80 to 100. If a multi-target phase is coming up within ~20s and your Apex Arrow hits full, save it for the start of the phase. could also have a Pitch Perfect to use there too, so you may not Great for healing up while doing long-range baited mechanics (e.g. By learning a little bit about each of them, you might find out whether Bard is the best pick for you or not! Keeping Repertoire in mind is important to understand why and when you should change songs. But once you master this Job, youll always find a group looking for your skills! Crit buffs can be approximated as being about .5% damage for every 1% crit chance. Note that all three of these skills can also proc Straight Shot Ready, so be watchful of your buff bar or RA button! Keeping both of your DoTs up is at the top of your list of priorities. These dont appear often at endgame, but keep an eye out anyway. Next, we get to the lifeblood of Bard songs. worth it. This should set up nicely for a PP MB double weave 12 GCDs later on the WM to MB transition, assuming full stacks of Armys Muse. normal. Its important to know that, compared to Dancerand Machinist, Bard is the most difficult ranged DPS to master among the trio. In terms of song timer, that means leaving each song at 2-3s left, 11-12s left, and 2-3s left respectively. Rain of Death as able. Between songs, procs, and its pair of damage over time (DoT) debuffs, Bard can feel like it has a lot to keep an eye on. It has the additional effect of afflicting Slow +20% when the barrier is struck. Be ready to use a PP2 at ~5s left on that second WM. . Just about everything else in Bards kit is built on top of your two damage over time skills. A while back, some users noticed that the mod was causing, FFXIV Moogle Treasure Trove April 2023 Irregular Tomestone Guide, Controversial FFXIV Mod GShade Returns, But The Community Isnt Convinced. As a physical ranged DPS, Bard is among the Jobs in FFXIV that bring not only high damage output but also a kit with good utility skills for the party. This gorgeous bow is one of the hardest to get, as it is rewarded from completing last stage of the optional Anima . The effect depends on the song you play, but all of them have an 80% chance to proc Repertoire every three seconds after a song begins. If they havent, make the best guesses you can. You should be first priority on cleansing debuffs because Wardens is free to weave, compared to Esuna which is a GCD. Bard is a fun Job to play with and you can always feel like a crucial member of your party. Ideally, use these on the enemy with the most HP. The second is based on the song mechanic which requires attention and training. Also, if you have a NIN, doing 2nd RS late gives you a tight window to snap the 2nd and 3rd tricks, whereas 2nd RS early means you will probably early snap as the 2nd RS is falling off and miss 3rd trick. If you would end the fight during AP or near the beginning of WM, just go into WM as soon as it comes off cooldown during the last AP. Blast Arrow (Lv. Read it with a fresh eye once you hit the cap! Outline hide. Because of that, always try to use it with three stacks unless the song is about to finish, then use it just to spend your remaining stacks. It ensures that you get 9 GCDs under RS without needing any special delays, due to the speed buff from Armys Muse. The 4 maps rotation is Secure Seize Shatter and Onsal. First, you should always go for Refulgent Arrowinstead of Burst Shot when you have it up. If you are using EA very close to on cooldown, this will happen during your second WM! use your songs in this pattern: *Use any remaining Pitch Perfect stacks before leaving. Meanwhile, Shadowbite and Rain of Death want you to be targeting something in the center of the pack. 70. After level 86, it receives an additional effect: using Apex Arrow while your Soul Voice Gauge is 80 or higher grants you Blast Arrow Ready. As a Bard, you'll use a pair of damage over time debuffs, which can trigger bonus effects during your songs. Mages Ballad (Lv. The priorities at this level dont change significantly. In The Wanderers Minuet, this will be a three-stack Pitch Perfect. So, for example, Brotherhood can be safely snapped for a gain just before it falls off if your DoTs have ~7s or less left on them. FFXIV Black Mage AoE Rotation We'll be starting with the AoE rotation first, since more often than not in a dungeon or raid you'll be building off this rotation to go into your single target rotation. Use Apex Arrow Its important to catch all the raid buffs, but the earlier the better within that window. GShade was used by many to make their experience in the MMO prettier or simply to add some pizazz to their GPose pictures. WM to MB transition: If the DoT tick timer is very close (<.5s) to the end of the song, or you use a PP3 less than 3 seconds before the song ends, you can transition into MB early if its available. Bard Reworks for Shadowbringers. The most striking change that Shadowbringers brought to the Bard class is the reworks to their most basic attacks - Heavy Shot and Straight Shot. Song ticks (proc chances) happen based on the song timer - at 42s, 39s, 36s, Before A Realm Reborn's release, Bard was the only option for players that wanted to deal physical range damage. Because the last proc chance happens at three seconds left, feel free to move on to the next song as soon as the timer reads three or less. Bard Rework - FF14 Shadowbringers Guide. When entering WM, you should also use RS (more advanced usage is discussed later in the guide). Do not use a BS between the Barraged RA and IJ in this case. It covers the basics of what it feels like to play Bard (hint: comfy). Of course, the . It becomes Caustic Biteat level 64which comes with the additional effect of having a 35% chance to proc Straight Shot Ready. damage dealing skills ( Barrage The amounts will vary based on whether your Grand Company team comes 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the match. Sidewinder cooldown can be moved earlier for the same reasons. Note that DoTs have a bit of a delay before they are counted by Sidewinder and Shadowbite, so wait a moment between using your second DoT and using Sidewinder/Shadowbite. As long communities keep actively silencing victims and assault discussions, this fight will keep going. Depending on your ping, it can cause clipping and cost you GCDs under Muse or GCDs under RS. When in dungeons, feel free to use your songs the same So if you have time, you can try to exit the FFXIV launcher and log in again every five to ten minutes or try to play the game when the servers are not overloaded. The duration and cooldown of all songs has been adjusted. , and ideally some saved up Bloodletters) during that To be completely honest, I don't really like Bard. TBD. Most of BRD's damage comes from upkeeping their DoTs. Second, try to use every proc you get during the last part. Welcome to the Basics Guide for Bard! Bloodletter (Lv. ensure that you have enough gauge to do this, only use them once between bursts. You can use this to help even out mob HP. The timing in the opener is set to catch Brotherhood/Divi, but if you dont have any buffs that go up that late, it can be done earlier with no harm. The only exception is Mages Ballad, which you can change to Armys Paeon with 11 or fewer seconds left. The best potion as of 6.00 is high-quality Grade 5 Tincture of Dexterity. enemies if you can. for your burst. If youre an experienced Bard, or looking for optimization advice Skip to Advanced Gameplay. The difference between a buffed RA and a buffed BS is too small. Delay Between Auto-Attacks. Because all three Jobs have access to these skills, they are not fundamental to making the Bard work. More familiar to those who played in Stormblood. WM is our most powerful song. When under the effect of Army's Paeon the burst is the same - just without Pitch Perfect. If you have any questions, corrections, or suggestions, please come visit us on The Balance Discord, or PM me or Rah on Discord. The Wardens Paean: Debuffs that can be cleansed by Wardens Paean have a glowing blue bar above the debuff icon. If so, you do not want to use All three have a recast time of 120 seconds, deal damage when cast (100 potency) and last for 45 seconds. Wait Other skills not mentioned in this section, such as Troubadour, Natures Minne, and The Wardens Paean, are very situational. This opener may not be usable at very high skill speed, since the BL and end-of-song timers will collide with the GCD timer as the first WM ends. Its effect lasts for 15 seconds. As a physical job, Bards GCD skills - skills that share a 2.5 second base cooldown - are called Weaponskills. There is not a large gap in efficiency. In my previous post, I talked about how a bard starts off as an archer, which gains two damage-over-time (DoT) abilities: Venomous Bite and Windbite. So the charges can fill up faster than youd think - but if you keep using BL when able youll be fine. packs (not just Mage's Ballad). If your DoTs are up, but theyre about to fall off (3s or less remaining), use Iron Jaws to re-apply them. Goldsmith Earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings. Keep your songs running during dungeon packs as normal. These are general guidelines, and could vary depending on what buffs are coming up later and what buffs are already on your DoTs: As a minor note, the devs seem to like putting 25s+ downtimes in fights. 40):Using Armys Paeon gives your party a buff which increases every members direct hit rate by 3%. Aside from gear you buy for gil at vendors, this will Due to its long cooldown (120s) and very powerful effect, its useful to map out this skill with your healers. Against 3-6 targets, the song strength order is MB > WM > AP. This skill is extremely useful in endgame situations when bosses have attacks that can be interrupted. You will timer on that song hits 18 (so long as the gauge is at least 80). It doesnt spend any time on optimization below level 80. Venomous Bite (Lv. (colour may vary) The Bard has received the most notable changes out of all the Jobs currently available in Final Fantasy XIV. Refulgent Arrow (RA)Delivers an attack with a potency of 340.Can only be executed when Straight Shot Ready. You want to At level 82, this skill becomesLadonsbite. highest Dexterity. In exchange, it is now an AoE. When leveling up, you should always choose the piece of gear with the You already have Venomous Bite, so you can focus on tracking it to know when you should reapply it. may put them at odd times on bosses, but hitting multiple targets is well If you have a natural IJ (from DoTs ending) right after RS goes up, and there are no other buffs at all, its a small gain to snap RS again just before it goes down. The songs you have at your disposal add so much to your experience thematically speaking. On multi-target phases with a large number of targets, Apex Arrow first, then DoTs. Quests Actions PvE actions PvP actions Common actions (PvP) Limit Break (PvP) It also procs Straight Shot Readyand, after level 72, it increases Shadowbitepotency. Because all three Jobs have access to these skills, they are not fundamental to making the Bard work. All told, you want to use your songs in a two minute cycle. Maybe it's becau. Please dont stand for this. This will most commonly occur around Raging Strikes. Thanks to the Enhanced Armys Paeon trait which you gain at level 78, this song gains two extra effects. But before that, you must unlock the respective class by visiting its Guild Hall once your character is level 10 and completing the blue quests to unlock the class. From my experience, the Bard in FFXIV is a special case. Dont hold RA procs for even a single GCD to catch upcoming buffs. Battle Voice) active in tandem, and use your biggest The IJ should not be moved earlier unless you have prepull cards, in which case you may need to do it before Barraging. Your handling of oGCDs will vary based on which song you are in. The role of the Bard in Final Fantasy XIV is two-fold: fill the chaotic void of combat with beautiful music to inspire yourself and others, and rain as much razor-sharp hell as you can on your foes. Be careful of Shadowbite's limited hit Does not affect the user.Can only be executed while singing Mages Ballad, Armys Paeon, or the Wanderers Minuet.Recast time: 180s, Troubadour (Troub)Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10% for 15s.Effect cannot be stacked with Machinists Tactician or Dancers Shield Samba.Recast time: 120s, Natures MinneIncreases HP recovery via healing actions for self or the target party member by 20% for 15s.Recast time: 90s, Second WindInstantly restores own HP.Cure Potency: 500Recast time: 120s, Arms LengthCreates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects for 6s.Additional Effect: Slow +20% for 15s when barrier is struckRecast time: 120s, Head GrazeInterrupts the use of a targets interruptible action.Recast time: 30s, Repelling ShotJump 10 yalms away from current target. Please make this a megathread as I really want most or all these changes reverted at some point not doubled down in 2 years to be less of what it is , please and thank you Job Guide update! At this level youre taking your first steps as a Bard youre still an Archer here! But if you still want to play this Job and youre going to go through this guide, we advise you to check ourFFXIV Glossary, since playing Bard involves the use of many specific terms that you may or may not be familiar with. 2):A powerful attack that can only be used with a proc of Straight Shot Ready. Dont worry about hitting quick casts like spell attacks from sprites. , Sidewinder, Apex Arrow and Blast Arrow 8): An instant ability that heals 500 potency of HP. Its a gain to use early at 90 gauge to hit a 10% buff, or to delay up to two DoT ticks (two GCDs if youre not sure) to hit a 10% buff. level. Get these from Rowena's Representatives near the You can use your usual rotation on While manually applying DoTs, if you get a RA proc from CB, save it and use it after SB. Bloodletter (BL) should be used on cooldown when not in MB. That was one of the biggest changes in Endwalker, and . In case this is not your playstyle, maybe Dancer or Machinist are better picks for you. Heavy Shot (Lv. Other than that, just try to minimize songless time without clipping. they can learn more difficult rotations and gimmicks from . Test it yourself if you notice yourself waiting nearly long durations and then dumping a low-gauge Apex Arrow at the end of the adds phase, consider burning the Apex Arrow instead of waiting. 20): Peloton increases party movement speed for 30 seconds, a boon in long dungeons and raids. Even though IJ seems weaker, it only costs one GCD. Patch: 6.3. In case you have Bloodletter and Pitch Perfect stacks, weave them between one Burst Shot and another. To Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV, Job Overview: Bard | BRD guides, gearsets, openers, rotational, tips, tricks, and the basics of the Bard ranged support job. MB to AP transition: Unlike the WM to MB transition, MB procs (BL) can be used after the song ends, so avoid cutting it short if there would be a DoT tick at the very end of MB. You want to be using these in tandem, with Raging Strikes one or two GCDs before the other two. This is called clipping, and youll notice it because even if you mash your GCD after, it wont be used immediately when it comes off of cooldown. These two are Stormbite (SB) and Caustic Bite (CB). It becomes Stormbiteat level 64, receiving a secondary additional effect that gives you a 35% chance to proc Straight Shot Ready when Stormbite is used. Reacting to these triggers while maintaining your DoTs and songs is the core of Bard gameplay. Dancer has good utility skills but lower damage and Machinist is pure damage with almost no utility, while Bard finds itself in the middle. The unique rewards are the mounts and glamour pieces you get from the achievements. Bards (and the typically associated Archers) are probably one of the most common archetypes in MMO games and FFXIVhas its own version. In Mages Ballad, use Bloodletter often enough to make sure you dont fill up and start wasting procs. **Use The Wanderer's Minuet as late in the oGCD window as you Its a general guide. Priority-based means that you dont have a skill rotation. If a GCD is available, you should be pressing something, and you should avoid pressing oGCDs if your GCD is about to come up in <0.7 seconds. Most of the If you get an RA proc, use RA instead of BS. Empyreal Arrowis also added to your list of skills available, becoming part of the second group of important skills, together with Sidewinder, Pitch Perfect, Bloodletter/Rain of Death, and Barrage. Bards skills do not have cast times, so in between using GCDs, you can usually use one or twooGCDs (off-GCDs), which are skills that are not weaponskills. Based on some early logs of mine, it seems that RS now applies to self faster, making it extremely hard/impossible to get 9 GCDs under RS at 2.47 or slower GCD without the help of Muse. level scaling by using the slider to adjust the information to your desired Early DoT snapping depends significantly on whether youre ending the buff window with an RA proc or not. Its normal to mash BL during MB, but take care not to mash BL when your GCD is coming up, or you will clip! This will shake up the optimal timings a little bit, but should still keep everything lining up with a little wiggle room. Bard is a priority-based kit. Since most of them are just stronger versions of their base versions, we are only going to talk about the specifics in cases where a new effect is added. This guide will cover concepts of Bard gameplay, from fundamentals to optimization, as well as serving as a pocket reference for all aspects of Bard. FFXIV PLL #76 Recap - 6.4 Live Letter Part 1, FFXIV PLL #75 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 2, Join Us Live on Twitch for the Icy Veins Podcast, FFXIV PLL #74 Recap - 6.3 Live Letter Part 1, Final Fantasy XIV will be in AGDQ2023 on Friday, January 13th, "Tales from the Dawn": Final Story Released, On the Adjustments to Pandaemonium: Abyssos (Savage). So when you use IJ (or SB or CB), the buffs (Raging Strikes, Resistance Up), and debuffs (Vulnerability Up, Weakness), both on you and your target get snapshotted. FFXIV: Endwalker Archer/Bard 1 to 90 Leveling Skills Guide - YouTube Patch 6.3: Nature's Minne now has a longer cooldown of 120s, and potency weakened to 15%. As a multi-target phase is ending, use Apex Arrow if you are at more than ~40 gauge (beware of overkill!). 2.5" gold enamel pin incorporating the three song rotation of bards from ffxiv & their gauge motifs! If this seems daunting, dont worry about taking it in all at once! The Bard at level 50 is a simpler version of the Job. Aligning RS with the ending of WM is the hardest and riskiest choice, also requiring some minimum skill speed. Its also the easiest to remember. Shadowbite (Lv. 32):Just like Head Graze, Arms Length is also a good skill to have when facing fights where the up-time of your DPS is important. Empyreal Arrow (EA) grants a single Repertoire proc. The Wanderer's Minuet to have strong output in two songs for trash For Pitch Perfect, use it at three stacks, or at two stacks Additional effects are not tripled.Additional Effect: Grants Straight Shot Ready for 10s.Recast time: 80s, Raging Strikes (RS)Increases damage dealt by 10% for 20s.Recast time: 80s, Sidewinder (SW)Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.Additional Effect: If the target is suffering from a Caustic Bite or Stormbite effect inflicted by you, Sidewinder potency is increased to 200 for one effect, or 350 for bothShares a recast timer with Shadowbite.Recast time: 60s, ShadowbiteDelivers an attack with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.Additional Effect: If the primary target is suffering from a Caustic Bite or Stormbite effect inflicted by you, Shadowbite potency on all targets is increased to 160 for one effect, or 220 for bothShares a recast timer with Sidewinder.Recast time: 60s, Battle Voice (BV)Increases direct hit rate of all nearby party members by 20% for 20s. The Wanderers Minuet Repertoire effect procs up to three stacks of Pitch Perfect which are needed to use this skill and determine its potency. Such skills are often called oGCDs. Bard's rotation does not change substantially after level 56. Once you reach Lv. Meaning, you use the abilities in priority order if they are available. If you are a newer player, and you want to start leveling up, then you should focus on quests wherever possible. tl;dr: wait at least 0.25s after a GCD before using WM on the transition. This is to prevent you from getting a guaranteed proc and being unable to use it at the end of the song. The Bard saw a pretty significant rework in patch 5.0 (a.k.a. Raging Strikes - A simple but meaty damage increase. Bonuses. Good players are capable of reaching high numbers in terms of damage with Bard while also somewhat protecting themselves and increasing their stats. Both your GCD (global cooldown) skills and oGCD (off-global cooldown) skills each have their own priorities to follow. At level 45, you get Rain of Death, so using Mages Ballad when dealing with a group of enemies becomes a priority. One additional thing to know about DoT skills is that the damage over time calculates damage based on the buffs & debuffs on you and the target when the DoTs were applied or reapplied. In short, be ready to change targets often. the Wanderer's Minuet (WM) is the strongest single-target song. Iron Jaws (lv. The Song gauge gives you feedback on how many seconds are left for a song as well as the number of stacks of Armys Paeon, Wanderers Minuet, and Coda. The general between-burst skill usage is covered here first. Your party may elect to use 3-minute buffs at 0:10, 4:10, 7:10 and 2-minute buffs at 0:10, 2:10, 4:10, 7:10. Using oGCDs in between GCDs. Fill out the form below to share your thoughts on the site. When engaging enemies as a Bard, a player's rotation or moveset in FFXIV will change depending on whether they are fighting a single foe or if there are multiple opponents. The most straightforward way to adjust the song rotation is by extending AP beyond 20s duration. Rotation: Core On a group of enemies, put up a few poisons (Windbite and Venomous Bite). Once the event has begun, itll run until the launch of Patch 6.4 some, Back in February, one of the bigger Final Fantasy XIV mods found itself embroiled in controversy. Using it creates a barrier that nullifies almost every knockback and draw-in effect. If they arent applied yet, use Stormbite, then Caustic Bite. How to Play Bard in FFXIV As a Range Physical DPS, the job of Bards is to provide potent damage while popping buffs and utilities at the same time. 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A glowing blue bar above the debuff icon up the optimal timings a white..., or looking for your skills you or not will vary based on whats available and/or what timers... % crit chance you gain at level 82, this fight will keep going triggers while maintaining DoTs! Enhanced Armys Paeon trait which you gain at level 78, this song gains two extra effects have! Maybe Dancer or Machinist are better picks for you or not then Caustic Bite CB... Late in the oGCD window as you its a general guide Arrowinstead of burst Shot when you Empyreal! Wm is off cooldown common archetypes in MMO games and FFXIVhas its own version between bursts a 2.5 second cooldown! Hits full, save it for the same - just without Pitch Perfect the single-target. Own version understand why and when you should focus on quests wherever possible purpose Troubadour... Attention and training below to share your thoughts on the site leaving each at. Get during the last part it procs, as it is rewarded from completing last stage of biggest. Your level whether Bard is a GCD Caustic Bite is 2.5s and drops you! Powerful casted spells their experience in the oGCD window as you acquire skill speed thanks to the speed buff Armys! Before the other two quot ; gold enamel pin incorporating the three song of... Slightly better that small window thanks to Empyreal Arrow procs are Stormbite ( )... Afar with powerful casted spells wasting procs 2 % in the guide ) when have! Obliterate foes from afar with powerful casted spells the MMO prettier or simply to add some pizazz to GPose. Necessarily the order you should also use RS ( more advanced usage is based on whats available and/or what timers... Means that you get 9 GCDs under RS a good choice at low skill.. Paeon gives your party a buff which increases every members direct hit rate by 3.! Bls normal 15-second cooldown keeps running too, plus you have Bloodletter and Pitch Perfect which are needed to a. Timer on that second WM changes out of all songs has been adjusted capable of high. Play with and you want to at level 82, this will be a three-stack Pitch Perfect glamour you... Executed when Straight Shot Ready use Apex Arrow if you get during the last part EA very close on. The ffxiv bard rotation of Bard songs FFXIVhas its own version needed to use it at the top your! Are not fundamental to making the Bard in FFXIV is a fun Job to play with and you to. Of this more like a crucial member of your DoTs and songs is the -. Is one of the Job the AP cdr and a buffed RA and a buffed BS is small..., use Apex Arrow first, you should always go for Refulgent Arrowinstead burst. Catch upcoming buffs knockback and draw-in effect is one of the song rotation is Secure Seize Shatter Onsal. In mind is important to catch all the buffs that are about to run there... Always find a group looking for your skills are capable of reaching high numbers in of! Dungeons, it only costs one GCD ) and Caustic Bite ( CB.! Share your thoughts on the pull sizes similar in purpose to Troubadour, Natures Minne, you! All songs has been adjusted +20 % when the barrier is struck without. Up within ~20s and your Apex Arrow if you keep using BL when able youll fine... The Enhanced Armys Paeon with 11 or fewer seconds left should start off the same - just without Pitch as. Eye once you hit the cap a fresh eye once you hit the!. 5 Tincture of Dexterity it up attention and training +20 % when the is! Used by many to make the best potion as of 6.00 is high-quality Grade 5 Tincture Dexterity! These on the enemy with the ending of WM is off cooldown them between one Shot! Just without Pitch Perfect stacks before leaving as able Ladonsbite and Shadowbite instead your... & # x27 ; s Paeon the burst is the core of Bard songs! ) cleansed by Paean... Or two GCDs before the other two terms of song timer, that means leaving each song at 2-3s respectively... The use cases and timing Peloton increases party movement speed for 30 seconds, boon! Cooldown ) skills and oGCD ( off-global cooldown ) skills each have own... Drifted very far back within WM FFXIVhas its own version Ballad when dealing with a proc of Shot... It feels like to play Bard ( hint: comfy ) capable of high. A fun Job to play Bard ( hint: comfy ) assault discussions, this will happen during second. Gcd before using WM on the song rotation is ffxiv bard rotation extending AP beyond 20s duration during last... You its a general guide a fun Job to play with and you can your! ; gold enamel pin incorporating the three song rotation is by extending AP beyond 20s duration using very! As of 6.00 is high-quality Grade 5 Tincture of Dexterity youll ffxiv bard rotation leave once WM is the of..., as it is rewarded from completing last stage of the pack in that small window thanks to speed! About not using WM on the song mechanic which requires attention and training out there it... Or RA button vary ) the Bard at level 78, this will happen your! Assault discussions, this song gains two extra effects fill up faster youd.

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